दींन दयाल विरद सम्भारी | हरहु नाथ मम संकट भारी

“दींन दयाल विरद सम्भारी
हरहु नाथ मम संकट भारी ”

“Deen dayal Viradh Sambhari
Harahu Nath Mamah Sankat Bhari”

Meaning: Lord you are the protector of weak and destroy the great obstacles. Please take away the great danger which has been befallen on me!
You take away all pains as Vedas say it.
May all our dangers get destroyed and we become happy!

With the Help of Matra ( Choupai) given below you can defeat any crisis and difficulty easily. It is taken from Ramayan Sunder Kand.
Chant this Sankathari Mantra 108 times To get Rid of All Problems.

”Deen Dayal Viridu Sambhari, Har Hu Nath Mam Sankat Bhari”

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